DIET: Satan's Plan To Destroy Christianity
What’s up Saints!
I trust all is well with you, your family, and loved ones. For GOD is with us in the midst of this pandemic and as soldiers in HIS army we will without any doubt prevail.
As we continue to press on during this challenging time, I pray this blog post enlightens and encourages you to further trust and rely on GOD’s nutritional word for you and your family’s health benefits.
As ”Pastor of Nutrition,” my assignment is to serve our FATHER’s nutritional world with precision. I’m fully aware that my style of cooking is not traditional or widely practiced, but it's my responsibility to serve what our FATHER assigned me. I know firsthand that changing how one eats isn’t easy. Especially, when it requires us to repent from what we’ve known and practiced all our life. We can ask GOD why now? And a million other questions, but I trust that our FATHER knows what lies ahead and has been preparing us for this transition the entire time.
Remember, it was never our FATHER’s intention for us to be on a diet. Therefore, it is vital that you and I renew our minds and hearts and taste plates to align with FATHER GOD’s healthy and wholesome way. There’s only one way to optimal health and it’s evident that our dietary practices do not align or sustain the life of Christians.
Due to our limited understanding, we believe there’s absolutely nothing wrong with following a diet and in this blog I share why dieting is not GOD’s will for our lives.
Now, lets eat!
“O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.”
Psalm 34:8 KJV
I want to point out that this scripture says we are blessed (whole, prosperous) when we trust in our LORD. It doesn’t say we are blessed trusting in a diet.
So my dear brothers and sisters, is the nutritional word of GOD the LORD of your health? Or, is your diet lord?
According to oxford dictionary.
“The kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.”
“A specific course of food to which one restricts oneself, either to lose weight for medical reasons.”
“Restrict oneself to a small amount or special kinds of food in order to lose weight.”
Definitions 2 and 3 clearly points out that something is obviously wrong in our life since we have to restrict what we eat for medical and health reasons. I observed that most Christians today only go on a diet when our health is in jeopardy. Other than that, we will eat foods customary to our culture.
So my question to you, “Are you on a diet?”
If your answer is yes, then ask yourself,
“Am I on a diet because of medical or health reasons?”
If you answered yes to this question, please take heed to what I’m sharing.
These definitions also sound like being on a diet is equivalent to living in bondage. Especially, if we have to cut back on traditional/cultural foods.
Then again, if traditional and cultural foods (soul food, Italian, Chinese, Spanish, etc.) are leading us to diets; don't you think it's best we break this cycle and start heading back towards Eden?
In the Garden, our FATHER commanded that we freely (as much as one wishes) eat. And the ONLY, I repeat ONLY restriction we had in the Garden was not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This sounds like a buffet to me!
“But the Lord God warned him, “You may freely eat the fruit of every tree in the garden— except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you eat its fruit, you are sure to die.”
Genesis 2:16-17 NLT.
I'm also aware that after the fall of mankind, FATHER GOD did say we can eat meat. But, (yes there is a but) our FATHER is calling us back to home. Why is our FATHER calling us back Home? Straight up, we (the Church, body of CHRIST) are broken. On top of that we are living in a broken world with broken systems and broken people and for us to believe that we can heal and become whole repeating broken cycles is insanity! We have to take back our authority when it comes to our health. Our salvation didn’t come from the world, nor will our physical healing/wholeness. The only true way for us to align our physical body with the spiritual healing we received the day we became Born Again, is by eating whole and raw foods.
“Get rid of the old yeast, so that you may be a new unleavened batch—as you really are. For Christ, our Passover lamb has been sacrificed. Therefore let us keep the Festival, not with the old bread leavened with malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.”
1 Corinthians 5:7-8 NIV
Now, Let’s Take it a Step Further and Break Down The Word Diet.
Di- “a prefix that means two, twice, or double.”
Why is this significant?
Believe it or not, for centuries the enemy has been using di-ets to secretly divide the Church. Yup, you read that correctly. This whole time you and I been tricked into believing di-ets are our FATHER’s will for our lives. Glory be to GOD because all that stops today! Just think about it for a sec. There’s multiple di-ets out here, but only 1 GOD. And every di-et you and I can think of is designed for us to be self-dependent rather than GOD dependent.
Now that we have clarity, we have to make a righteous decision in regards to whom will we serve because we can’t serve two masters. Especially, if we choose to be obedient servants.
I know this won’t be easy and that’s why we have to take baby steps. I don’t expect us to completely transform overnight, but I do expect us to glorify FATHER GOD with the foods we eat daily going forward.
Can we agree on this?
Here's another significant reason:
“God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good and He validated it completely. And there was evening and there was morning, a sixth day.” Genesis 1:32 AMP
Since everything FATHER GOD made was validated completely, it’s safe to say that HIS provision for us is whole foods- raw veggies and fruits (seeded).
As Christians, we fail to realize that di-ets consist mainly of foods that are not whole. Meaning they are incomplete and not from nature. How am I so sure? Well, if starch is present in anything we eat; this proves the food to be unnatural. For starch is a binding chemical that is also destructive to the body of CHRIST.
Examples of foods containing starch:
White potatoes, sweet potatoes, white bread, pasta noodles, white/brown & yellow rice, cassava.
Die- “(of a person, animal, or plant) stop living.”
· perish, lose one’s life, decrease, expire.
Now, if our FATHER wanted us on a die-t, than there was absolutely no need for JESUS’ death, burial, and resurrection. Like, what’s the purpose of salvation if our Father’s plan was for us to die? If that was the case, than every one of GOD’s promised are lies. And you and I both know lying is not of our FATHER’s nature (Numbers 23:19, Titus 1:2, Hebrews 6:18).
Glad you ask.
A vegan is a person who does not eat or wear animal products. Mistakenly, we classify vegan as a diet, but it’s actually a lifestyle. When we label ourselves Christian vegans or follow the Vegan lifestyle, we’re unknowingly confusing ourselves and others because we as sons and daughters have our FATHER’s nutritional word to live by. Likewise, how Jews eat kosher foods and Muslims eat halal; alkaline foods are GOD’s provision for all Christians.
We don’t say or hear people say, “I’m a Keto-ian” or “Paleo-ian” or “Atkins-an” Lol. Why? This is because these are diets and not lifestyles. Which leads to our next question.
What is a Lifestyle?
According to Oxford dictionary.
Lifestyle - “the way in which a person or group lives.”
· way of life, life.
Since Christians are people and not appetizers, entrees, or desserts; we can all agree that it’s a way of life a.k.a lifestyle.
Let’s break down the word Lifestyle.
Life- “the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.”
· existence, being, living, creation.
I underlined the word inorganic because any food that contains starch is inorganic (man-made) and detrimental to our health. GOD’s wholesome provision (Alkaline) doesn’t contain starch and promotes healing.
Examples of GOD’s wholesome provision:
“So God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of the entire earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you;” Genesis 1:29 AMP.
“The river was flowing in the middle of the street of the city, and on either side of the river was the Tree of Life, with its twelve kinds of ripe fruit according to each month of the year. The leaves of the Tree of Life are for the healing of the nations.” Revelation 22:2 TPT.
Style- “a manner of doing something.”
· way, method, nature, practice.
As Christians our true nature was created in GOD’s image and likeness. Therefore, we must practice being fruitful and multiply in a manner that abides to our FATHER’s word, will, and way. For we are set apart as holy to the LORD (Deuteronomy 14:2). For our true style is not common.
“In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone.”
John 1:1-4 NLT.
In order to reproduce/create anything in life, you and I need some form of Seed (word of GOD). Therefore, whenever mankind creates, there are consequences (good/bad). Due to our sinful nature and the influence of the enemy, mankind took GOD’s nutritional word and perverted it. Then perverted it some more and even further resulting in several distorted versions of GOD’s nutritional word known today as diets.
Example: Take the original seed from a grape and alter its genetic material using genetic engineering techniques to produce seedless grapes. This process doesn’t require much of nature’s (GOD’s) participation and is how GMO and hybrid foods are manufactured.
FYI, no matter what the ingredients listed on these seedless products say; they DO NOT richly nourish our body. They mainly stimulate it. Which means we are not getting the proper nutrients needed to operate in our Godly image and likeness, dominion and authority. Following a diet that consist of mainly GMO and hybrid foods will only lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies, malnourishment, cancer, and death.
“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”
John 10:10 KJV
I truly believe it’s due to our lack of knowledge and practice of GOD’s nutritional word why diets (perverted word of GOD) are dominating in the Church today.
Christians are either:
Unaware of GOD’s nutritional word.
Have partial understanding of GOD’s nutritional word.
Have full knowledge of GOD’s nutritional word, but struggle with disbelief.
Our adversaries even knows this and are doing a hell of a job seducing us to follow diet trends that continues to pull us further and further away from the dining table our FATHER prepared for us (Psalm 23:5).
Major cooperation and franchises are spending millions probably even billions of dollars in advertisement to promote foods that opposes our FATHER’s nutritional word. They deceive us by paying models, celebrities, and influencers who don’t even use their supplements so that we continue to follow the ways of the world. Ways that are forever changing only because diets and supplements are simply trends. The Keto diet for example is the new wave amongst Christians and after this pandemic; I won’t be surprised if a “Rona” diet surfaces. I know new vaccines will.
“For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world.”
1 John 2:16 NLT
You may be reading this post and saying to yourself that the diet you’ve followed or are currently following is working wonders for you. Your report from your doctor is better than your last visit, you’re feeling great, looking amazing, receiving compliments, and your confidence is at an all time high. Bless up and I rejoice with you!
Just know that I too followed plenty of diets in my day to gain weight and get brolic (muscular). I was great at manipulating my body via diets and supplements.
👇🏾 Images posted below 👇🏾
Further more, diets will not allow Christians to sustain lifelong health even through trials and tribulations. At the peak of my physique I was still lost, confused, spiritually weak, borderline diabetic and vitamin D deficient. Yea, I was in total shock myself because I thought the foods I ate were all healthy plus I worked out 5 days a week. At times twice a day on my days off from work. Even though I possessed the body to compete in men’s physique, I had to keep switching up my diet and supplements that was promoted as the ”best.” for health reasons. I spent a lot of time researching the best supplements and healthiest foods to eat for all my personal goals, but always faced some kind of issue despite my physical progress.
Truth is, diets feed our flesh, robs us of nutrients and starve our spirits. Therefore, we will never be able to sustain long life and contentment living on a diet and that's when frustration kicks in. When this happens we’ll most likely throw our strict dietary rules out the window to either follow another diet or return back to an even more unhealthy lifestyle.
Oh yea, for everyone trying to lose weight you will eventually plateau and experience what is called the yo-yo effect. Meaning you will find yourself gaining back all the weight you lost or more because your body has adapted to you manipulating it with stimulating foods. This is why Christians can never be faithful and are always jumping from one diet to the next. Especially, if we’re consuming foods that are known to be aphrodisiacs. Believe it or not, jumping from one fade diet to the next also produces serious consequences on our mental and spiritual health.
Which led me to the conclusion that no matter what we do, we will never reach physical wholeness following diets that opposes GOD’s nutritional word. And that’s why I’m always preaching alkaline base foods because I’m a true witness of its supernatural benefits.
I may not be as physically big as I use to be, but spiritually I'm a beast and more importantly whole! The day I decided to follow FATHER GOD’s nutritional way was the day I decided I no longer wanted to chase after an image to be accepted and validated by the world. I wanted to be transformed into the image FATHER GOD had in mind way before I was formed inside my mom’s womb.
That's truly what this Christian walk is about. Gracefully transforming into GOD’s image and likeness, operating in our authority and dominion, and being whole so that we can serve our gifts with truth and love. Making Disciples and furthering GOD’s Kingdom here on earth. This is life. This is the new health! All that other stuff is vanity.
“You say, “I am allowed to do anything” —but not everything is good for you. You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is beneficial.”
1 Corinthians 10:23 NLT
Diets may be ”good,” but they are not beneficial for the life of Christians.
I don’t care what anybody says, Christianity is not religion! Christianity is all about having a personal relationship with GOD - FATHER, SON,& HOLY SPIRIT. So if you haven’t yet, I encourage you to get intimate with FATHER GOD. The Bible says seek first HIS Kingdom and HIS righteousness and all these things will be given to you (Matthew 6:33). If you’re wondering what “things” HE’s talking about, if you read the two verses before; food is mentioned. You see one of the major benefits of Christianity is that when living according to the nutritional word of GOD (rightly divided) it produces a wholesome lifestyle.
My Pastor always ask us in church,
“Are you satisfied with the amount of time you spend in the Word?”
Although my Pastor may not be referring to Alkaline foods, they are technically the edible words of our FATHER that we now know today as the “Nutritional word of GOD.”
I say all that to say this, as Christians our health comes from the LORD and consuming Alkaline foods is the ONLY way you and I can literally taste and see that our LORD is good. Therefore, our faith should not be a response to a crisis; but a daily walk in CHRIST JESUS. We shouldn’t be motivated to change what/how we eat because of adversity, but out of simple obedience. You and I must arrive to the place where we depend on GOD’s nutritional word no matter the circumstances because it’s truly our life’s insurance.
“By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence.”
2 Peter 1:3 NLT
Well folks, I hope you're full because I’m all out of food for today. You don't have to go home, but you have to get Heaven outta here lol. All jokes aside, I hope this post was intriguing and digestible. Until next time, live whole..
I need your help! I need you to kindly share this post with your Pastors, inner circle, family, church members, neighbors, and co-workers. I'm on a mission to spreading the nutritional word of GOD and I can't do this by myself.
Thank you in advance.
Make sure you follow me on Instagram @Pastor_of_Nutrition
Unconditional Love,
Julz “The Pastor of Nutrition”
Circa 2014 or 2015
5’10 , 175lbs, 29/30 yrs old, vitamin D deficit and borderline diabetic. At this point in time I didn’t have a relationship with CHRIST. I was lost- didn’t know who I was or why I exist. Therefore, I wasn’t operating in my divine calling. I was mentally, spiritually, emotionally broken and in debt. My life during this time centered around my ex-girlfriend, my job, and gym.
April 2018
In this pic I believe I was about 150-155lbs. I know my true identity in CHRIST, I’m walking along the path of my calling, I’ at peace, developing spiritually to become whole, and still in debt lol. At this time, I was training hard in the gym and about 95% Alkaline. For all you meat heads out there I will show you why meat isn’t necessary and why “protein” is a myth.